Location: Dubai, UAE Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Yes
Technologies: React, Node, Next.js, React Native, GraphQL, Redux, Mobx, Firebase, Vercel, and AWS
Résumé/CV: https://manubhardwaj.in
Email: mnbhardwaj888@gmail.com
Github: https://github.com/imanubhardwaj
- 5+ years of Frontend Experience
- Founding Engineer in 3 successful startups
- Energetic, Collaborative, and Doer personality
- Best work: https://manubhardwaj.in
- Medium Articles: 500,000+ views
- Expert rating in JavaScript tests on LinkedIn, PluralSight, and HackerRank
- Timezone: +4UTC, Dubai. Open for -4UTC to +6:30UTC.