ThoughtWorks Technologies | India - Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Mumbai
We are passionate technologists who believe in the power of software and technology as tools for social change. We contribute to a multitude of open source projects. Primarily we are a Technology Consultancy Company. We look for zealous Technologists who are keen to learn on job. We value Object Oriented and Functional Skills. DevOps and Agile are a normal way of working here.
Skillsets/Platforms/etc.: C#, Java, Ruby, Scala, Kotlin, Rust, JS, AWS/GCP/Azure, Python, Node.js, React, Angular
Requirement: 4+ years of programming experience.
Interview process: Take-home coding assignment, Pair programming, Technical Interview(s), Leadership
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Contact: siddhark[at]
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Indeed | Software Engineer, Integrations | Austin, TX | ONSITE | $116,000-$142,000 plus bonuses and LTIPS
Indeed is the #1 job site in the world with over 250 million unique visitors every month. I feel proud to work at a company that helps all types of people get jobs. We even have an app called Job Spotter where we pay people to take help wanted signs, which we put on our site to show even more job listings to job seekers. If you'd like to read stories from people who got jobs, you can visit
I am currently hiring the first Software Engineer in Austin to build out an Integrations Engineering team. The idea behind the Integrations Engineering team is to focus on integrating data sources, and become the go-to experts in that domain. This includes being knowledgeable about the MuleSoft platform, building infrastructure to help make future integrations easier, and helping other teams with their integrations. A significant portion of the work is not MuleSoft-related, and MuleSoft experience is not required. As the first Software Engineer focused on Integrations, there is the potential to grow into the go-to expert for Integrations at the company.
The job listing is not live yet, but will go live soon. If you're interested in applying, please email me at .
In addition, there are other jobs available at . We are currently hiring engineers in Austin, San Francisco, Sunnyvale, Seattle, Tokyo, Singapore, and Hyderabad. If you're interested in other jobs, you can also email me at . We are proud to list base salary ranges for all of our positions, and our bonuses and LTIPs can yield significant additional compensation.